Thursday 20 November 2014

My next gadget...

My next gadget!

I am a complete gadget whore. I love to buy things that I never use....BUT this is different.

Like most people, I do things I am not supposed to. I check my phone allot whilst driving, I use my phone in the cinema, I use the phone whilst on the toilet...yeah...that's me.

I need to do all these things more safely right? and that is where the IWatch comes in! No more checking my phone whilst in any places, because now I can tell straight away if it's worth even getting my phone out. If someone messages me and it's someone who I don't care..then this enables me not to go through the hassle of getting my phone out which inconveniences me and my passengers in my car.

I really hope it's functional! The other thing is I hope that is isn't at the £349 mark I am hearing. Shocking that. They know people like me will still buy!

Anyway - complaints apart, as an apple fan...this is going to be mine no matter I may as well get the credit card out and ready!


P.s I thought I would add a picture of my face...because I can...and because it's my blog.... thanks

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Almost Famous in Manchester - mmmmmmFOOOOOOD.

So I heard allot about this place in Manchester some time ago. Almost Famous started out in the Northern Quarter and then expanded to near Deansgate to a bigger better premises after a fire.

Since it moved, I have been 2 times, and I must say, the food is unbelievable.

I ordered the Bacon Double cheeseburger + bacon fries. Literally 5000 calories or something!

I thought I had tried them all, and then this place came along.

The food will make you feel sick, which I am not sure is a good thing, not because it tastes bad, but because you eat so much that you do not know when to stop!

I think the total amount I spent was like £15 which is not that expensive when you consider what I got.

Plus the sauces that are available are unreal. An array of hot sauce, bbq, chilli....mmmmmm

Anyway back to the food.

It's the best greasy burger I have ever had.

If you get a chance, go check it out!

Next time....I am going to order less, but have a dessert! They look unreal too!

Atmosphere : 9
Food : 9
Waiting time :7
Staff : 9
Price :9


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Oculus Rift

Having used the Oculus Rift at a recent event, I must say I was shocked at how actually good it was.

You don't really know what it's going to be like, and you can't really understand it until you use it.

The video that I used with it was a roller coaster one. It literally made me feel like I was swaying left to right whilst in motion.

If people can create real world games, where you can actually roam around, then this thing will be an absolute hit.

The hardware is there, I just hope they can make the software to go with it.

Also, the price for the actual unit is very cheap!

As soon as I see some content created, I shall be ordering!


Wednesday 22 October 2014

iCloud is Suffering from Yet Another Security Issue, This Time in China!! OUCH

"Apple's iCloud online storage service is facing another security problem, with a "man in the middle" hacking attack attempting to steal Chinese users' log-in credentials and, ultimately, their saved files.
Chinese users are seeing warning messages pop up when attempting to log into website, notifying them that they are being diverted from the secure site. Should a user ignore these warnings, they run the risk of entering their credentials into a page where hackers could collect their security information.
“We’re aware of intermittent organised network attacks using insecure certificates to obtain user information, and we take this very seriously,” reads a post on the Apple support page. Apple goes on to say that users are not affected when signing into their iCloud accounts from iPhones, iPads or Mac computers if using the Safari browser on the latest versions of their operating systems. However it suggests that iCloud users should use the digital certification tools in browsers such as Chrome and Firefox to ensure their log-in details have not been intercepted.
"If users get an invalid certificate warning in their browser while, they should pay attention to the warning and not proceed,” continues Apple. The Cupertino company has stressed however that its servers have not been compromised.
While Apple has not publicly outed who it believes is responsible for the security breach, Chinese activists have blamed the attack on the Chinese government, which is accused of retaliating against the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Chinese launch -- two devices that allow Apple to encrypt and hide user data from government trackers.
It's the latest in a string of recent worries about the security of Apple's cloud service, following the celebrity hacking scandal that saw private, intimate shots of public figures posted onto the web. It's doubly worrying for Apple which has, with theintroduction of OS X Yosemite and iOS 8 and above, put greater emphasis on encouraging its users to use iCloud, introducing the new iCloud Drive file browsing functionality."

I have no idea why people would use iCloud.

I wouldn't use that in any way. It just screams for people to steal the data!

If you want to keep something safe, just download it to a USB and keep in in your draw!


Friday 17 October 2014

Ipad Air 2 in GOLD mmmmmmmm

Hi all

I just saw that the Ipad Air 2 in Gold is available....... OH MY GOD!

I already have an Ipad can I resist this?

Am I going to get one? YES.

Do I care that it's not massively improved ? NO

Cannot wait :)

Here is the spec :

Technical Specifications
Space Grey
Wi-Fi + Cellular
Capacity and Price1
  • 16GB
  • 64GB
  • 128GB
  • 16GB
  • 64GB
  • 128GB
Weight and Dimensions3
  • Height: 240 mm (9.4 inches)
  • Width: 169.5 mm (6.6 inches)
  • Depth: 6.1 mm (0.24 inches)
  • Weight: 437 g (0.96 pounds)
  • Height: 240 mm (9.4 inches)
  • Width: 169.5 mm (6.6 inches)
  • Depth: 6.1 mm (0.24 inches)
  • Weight: 444 g (0.98 pounds)

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sad news for the IT world : HP job losses

Taken from :

Hewlett-Packard said today its corporate reorganisation would cut a total of 55,000 jobs, at least 5,000 more than its previous estimate.
The US tech giant, which also today announced plans to split in two to achieve a sharper focus, said it had increased its prior estimate of 45,000 to 50,000 job losses "independent of the separation transaction."
HP is to split into two listed companies, separating its computer and printer businesses from its faster-growing corporate hardware and services operations. 
In Ireland, HP has over 4,000 employees working in manufacturing, research and development, customer software support, marketing, and sales and services. 
The main site for HP in Ireland is located in Leixlip, Co Kildare, and it also has offices in Galway, Belfast and Dublin. It is not yet known how - or if - the extra job cuts will affect HP's Irish operations.
Meanwhile, HP's split move will result in a monumental reshaping of one of technology's most important pioneers, which still has more than 300,000 employees and is on track to book $112 billion in revenue this fiscal year. 
The printing and personal computing business, to be known as HP Inc, will be led by Dion Weisler, currently an executive in that division. 
HP's current chief executive, Meg Whitman, will lead the new Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, which will house the corporate hardware and services operations. She will also be chairman of HP Inc. 
Current HP lead independent director Patricia Russo will be chairman of the enterprise company. 
Founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in a California garage in 1939, HP was one of the companies that shaped Silicon Valley and the PC revolution. 
Lately, however, it has struggled to adapt to the shift towards mobile computing, and it has been overshadowed by younger rivals. Its market value of $66 billion is dwarfed by Apple's $596 billion and Microsoft's $380 billion. 
Today's announcement confirmed a report of the split in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend. 
HP is the latest in a line of companies, often under shareholder pressure, to spin off operations in an attempt to become more agile and to capitalise on faster-growing businesses.
Last week online auction company eBay said it would spin off electronic payment service PayPal. 
Up to Friday's close, HP's stock had risen nearly 26% this year.

Let's hope they bounce back as HP is a great brand