Thursday 20 November 2014

My next gadget...

My next gadget!

I am a complete gadget whore. I love to buy things that I never use....BUT this is different.

Like most people, I do things I am not supposed to. I check my phone allot whilst driving, I use my phone in the cinema, I use the phone whilst on the toilet...yeah...that's me.

I need to do all these things more safely right? and that is where the IWatch comes in! No more checking my phone whilst in any places, because now I can tell straight away if it's worth even getting my phone out. If someone messages me and it's someone who I don't care..then this enables me not to go through the hassle of getting my phone out which inconveniences me and my passengers in my car.

I really hope it's functional! The other thing is I hope that is isn't at the £349 mark I am hearing. Shocking that. They know people like me will still buy!

Anyway - complaints apart, as an apple fan...this is going to be mine no matter I may as well get the credit card out and ready!


P.s I thought I would add a picture of my face...because I can...and because it's my blog.... thanks

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Almost Famous in Manchester - mmmmmmFOOOOOOD.

So I heard allot about this place in Manchester some time ago. Almost Famous started out in the Northern Quarter and then expanded to near Deansgate to a bigger better premises after a fire.

Since it moved, I have been 2 times, and I must say, the food is unbelievable.

I ordered the Bacon Double cheeseburger + bacon fries. Literally 5000 calories or something!

I thought I had tried them all, and then this place came along.

The food will make you feel sick, which I am not sure is a good thing, not because it tastes bad, but because you eat so much that you do not know when to stop!

I think the total amount I spent was like £15 which is not that expensive when you consider what I got.

Plus the sauces that are available are unreal. An array of hot sauce, bbq, chilli....mmmmmm

Anyway back to the food.

It's the best greasy burger I have ever had.

If you get a chance, go check it out!

Next time....I am going to order less, but have a dessert! They look unreal too!

Atmosphere : 9
Food : 9
Waiting time :7
Staff : 9
Price :9